

Our CrossFit community is more than a place to train; it is a space where friendship and personal wellness are fostered. Here, every member finds support and motivation to reach their health and fitness goals. We pride ourselves on creating an inclusive environment where everyone is welcome, regardless of experience level. From classes to post-workout conversations, a spirit of unity and mutual growth is fostered. Together, we explore the potential of our bodies and minds, cultivating meaningful relationships that transcend beyond the walls of the gym.

CrossFit Iubhar’s 1st Annual Turkey Trot was a virtual 5k race. Kevin clocked the fastest time with an impressive 20:18 at the age of 63. Eileen was the second overall finisher with a time of 22:43, with a baby boy on board, and Kathy rounded off the top 3 with a time of 26:04. Honorable mention went to Cesar for the best post-race photo. Congratulations to all the Iubhar racers for a job well done. There has been talk of next year’s race being a 10k…

Congratulations Kevin for winning Turkey Trot!



Burpees or squats? I like burpees because they are challenging.

What do you like best about CrossFit? I love how CrossFit is varied, there are many different movements and new skills that I enjoy learning. Workouts never get old. But what I love best about CrossFit is how I get to have my daughter as my coach. When she first got interested in CrossFit, I remember her giving me a workout to do. It involved a bunch of sit-ups and some inchworms. I had been doing a lot of long distance running at the time, so obviously I expected to be able to breeze through any bodyweight workout she could give me. Picture this… your daughter standing at your feet while you’re struggling to do sit ups and encouraging you and telling you that you can do more. After that one workout, I realized how wrong I was. Let’s just say that it took more than one tough workout for me to be able to say that I love having my daughter as my coach.

What is the most complex movement that you have learned?  The most complex movement I have learned is the squat clean, I’m still working on it.

What are your hobbies now that you have no kids living at home? I love spending time in the great outdoors.  I love being on my bike and traveling by bike. Since I now have no kids home my biggest hobby is visiting my kids and grandchildren at their homes.  

Tell us about one of your favorite bike trips… I’ve been on some awesome bike trips and it’s hard to pick a favorite. I have traveled by bike on the East coast and the West coast of the US, from Tennessee to Maine, through Glacier National Park, and through the North coast of Spain.

Would you rather have slimy skin like a frog or a beak like a toucan?  A beak like a Toucan… but just like I’m not big on Sci-Fi books and movies, I’m not big on unrealistic would you rather questions.

What book are you reading these days? Ruby Ridge, a true story about a family’s standoff in Northern Idaho with the US government. My friend and neighbor who is a former FBI agent was actually guarding the road during the standoff.

If you could have any superpower what would it be?  I’d want to be a SuperMoM. Oh wait… I think I already am!

Tell us about your favorite childhood memory… Growing up in the 60s in a small town in Maine we were pretty carefree. I had five brothers and sisters so there was always someone to play with. Summer days were the best, as we could come and go as we pleased. We had a big backyard so all the neighborhood kids would come and play in our yard. We played so many games out there. Depending on the season, it was football, baseball, hockey, kick the can, Red Rover, tag, or hide and seek.

Meet Kathy, one of the founding members of CrossFit Iubhar.



Clean or Snatch? Always Clean…. always!

What do you like best about the CrossFit Games? First, to discover the WODs! ….and after being amazed by the athletes, they are incredible!

If you could have one superpower, what would it be? Before I would have wished to fly or read minds, but now I think I would like to have the ability to cure people.

If you had to dress in just one color for the rest of your life, what would it be? Navy blue… it’s so elegant!

Would you rather be the funniest or the smartest person in the room? Smartest… but with a heart.

Coffee or Tea?... or something else to drink? Café, café, café….

Swimming or skiing? CrossFit! (no skiing… I prefer the beach)

If you could instantly become an expert in something, what would it be? I would want to become the CHO (Chief Happiness Officer)

What was the last movie or television show you watched? Valley of Tears on HBO. In reality it’s not a political or historical show, it’s about how ridiculous it is to be a human, wars, religion… I highly recommend it!

When was the last time you laughed so hard that it hurt? What was so funny? I don’t remember for sure, but I am sure of two things: first, that it was a long time ago, before March 13, 2020 and second, I am sure it had to do with Josemari, my dog. He is hilarious!

Meet Cesar, one of Iubhar’s founding members



AMRAP or For time? For time, I like to compete against the clock.

Do you play any sports? I have played basketball since I was 14 years old.

What was your favorite subject to study in school? Math, I always like numbers and everything related to them.

Who does the cooking at your house? Normally I am the cook, my wife is delighted.

What is your favorite meal? My favorite meal is paella. Because I enjoy it two times, first while I'm cooking it, second when I am at the table.

What was the last book that you read? Maybe the last one was "La catedral del mar", a story about a medieval cathedral built in Barcelona, which is a city I like a lot.

Where are your plans this summer? In august we'll go to Chiclana de la Frontera in Cadiz, to a villa with the family.

Would you rather be the king of any country in the world or the king of the jungle? The animals already have a king, so i prefer to be the king of a country.

Wine or beer? Like the UB40 song, “Red, Red Wine”.

Tell us about the last trip you went on...My last trip was during Easter 2019 when I went to Menorca, the second largest island of the Balearic Islands. It's a beautiful island, with a bunch of small beaches with crystal clear water, but not only beaches, Menorca has the Talaiotic Culture, a prehistoric culture with a lot of constructions well preserved. I liked visiting a lot, and I'll go back sooner or later.

Meet Ángel, one of Iubhar’s founding members



October 31, 2020, 8:30 in the morning, on my way to a box in Madrid, C1 CrossFit where I will participate in the Level 1 course, nervous, anxious and intrigued how it will turn out… as soon as I arrived Carlos Fernandez and Emily Jenkins welcomed me, wow! The course starts and everything is great. After, I met Pedro Pereiera, another member of the Staff that will be there all weekend with us sharing their knowledge.

Two intense and entertaining days where we mixed theory with practice, where you never stop learning all sorts of new information, where my body felt things like never before simply working with a PVC. Here I realized that good technique work is demanding, but it is ultimately worth doing, positively benefitting both the body and the mind…

A weekend surrounded by people with the same spirit as me, eager to learn, and sharing an experience with a staff that made us laugh, concentrate, and tremble, they made our legs burn with just a medicine ball! It was a privilege to have the opportunity to learn from these great professionals.

I was an incredible experience to participate in this course, I have been doing CrossFit for many years and what I took away from this weekend was the importance of paying attention to the movement patterns that we practice, the importance of committing to what we do in CrossFit and, most of all, the importance of enjoying what we do while giving our best efforts.

Thank you, Emily, for the opportunity to share this experience with you! Finally, as Lucas says: Go, Go, Go!

Congratulations Cristina on getting your wings as a Level 1 Trainer!



Snatch or Clean? Clean with barbell, snatch with single dumbell.

Why did you start CrossFit? I wanted to try something new, I was feeling like I was in a rut with my usual gym routine. I was immediately hooked after the first class! I loved the guided workout, how little equipment you actually need, team atmosphere and functional movements.

You always smile when you see what movement in the workout? Push ups. Half-grimace because they’re always so hard, but deep down I’m glad because I know the challenge will make me stronger and better at doing them!

Where are you from? Sawyer, Michigan, USA.

Where do you live now? Cáceres, España.

Tell us about your dream vacation.  Italy… for the beach, history, food, repeat!

What is the last song you listened to? The Ants go Marching! (with my kids!). And just me… Pursuit of Happiness by Kid Cudi, last song playing as I finished today’s WOD.

Would you rather own a dog the size of an elephant or an elephant the size of a dog? An elephant the size of a dog… I don’t think I need to own ANYTHING the size of an elephant! haha

Tell us a bad joke, the bakery joke doesn’t count, that was worse than bad. How did Darth Vader know what Luke got him for Christmas? He felt his presents. HA!

What was the highlight of your summer this year?  Spending about a month on the coast in Portugal with my family: going to the beach, fresh air, relaxing and playing with the little ones AND going to a Dinosaur Park close by–so cool, with or without kids!

Meet Katie, one of the founding members of CrossFit Iubhar.



Congratulations to Maureen (also known as Mo) on her induction to the Maine Running Hall of Fame. Mo is a legend in the New England running arena and has clocked in over 500 races over the years. Most importantly, she is a big part of the running community, having volunteered at countless events and group runs in order to support the local running scene. Many of CrossFit Iubhar’s founding members have had the chance to run with Maureen at some point or another, which has almost always been very early in the morning and very hilly. We are very proud of you Mo and looking forward to seeing where all your future miles will take you.

Maine Running Hall of Fame (MRHOF) Announces 2020 Inductees

Mo inducted into the Maine Runner's Hall of Fame!

